Tuesday 24 August 2021




water at any x = min( max_left_of_x, max_right_of_x) - height_of_x

two-pointer solution 

when keeping 


  • p_start, at 0
  • p_end at 11 [length-1] of array
  • check, 
    • p_start height is less. => 0
    • p_end height is less => 1
      • answer: p_start => 0 is lesser
  • height at 0 is less
  • p_start becomes our p_current pointer.
  • with respect to p_current
  • we check 
    • max_left
    • max_right  
  1. whenever we check which is lesser p_start, p_end, we are actually evaluating  min(p_start, p_end)
  2. by checking min, of two, we get the level, which water can be filled.



Level => check min of p_start, p_end 

current_level = min(p_start, p_end)

if p_start is less, we start from left, and 

  • make max_left = height_at_p_start 
  • make max_right = height_at_p_end
  • we consider level = max_left 

***incomplete post









Friday 16 April 2021

Bit Byte and Binary

Ref: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-relationship-between-binary-and-bytes

Binary is a numbering system. Bytes is an arbitrary grouping of digits.

In particular: Binary is a numbering system where each digit can hold one of two values (0 or 1). As opposed to the normal numbering system we humans tend to use, decimal where each digit can hold one of ten values (0123…9). It works pretty similar in all positional numbering systems, it’s just the base which differ. E.g. the position means the digit is multiplied by a power of the base, position 0 is base^0, position 1 (2nd) is base^1, and so on. Thus the 5th position in decimal is multiplied by 10^4 = 10000, similarly the 3rd position in binary is multiplied by 2^4 = Bx10000 = 16. Same can happen with other bases too, e.g. in octal the base is 8 (012..7), hexadecimal (sometimes just called hex) it’s 16 (012..89AB..EF).

In computers binary is used because it maps onto the way a computer works very nicely. I.e. each electrical signal can be either on or off - mapping onto a 1 or a 0.

A byte is just grouping consecutive signals so they can be seen as individual values with more possibilities than two. There used to be computers with bytes ranging from 6 through 20, but since around the 1960s the 8bit long byte started to become popular and has since become the standard.  

This means each byte contains 8 binary digits (bits)

capable of holding values ranging from Bx00000000 = 0 through to Bx11111111 = 255 (i.e. 2^8=256 possible values).

Usually a byte maps onto a character used in text. Depending on what encoding the computer (and the operating system) uses, each of those values could mean a different character glyph. E.g. ascii decimal binary hex conversion chart

It’s thus become a useful way of defining sizes. Meaning the number of bytes maps pretty closely to the number of characters you can store. Not always, since some encodings use more than one byte per character (e.g. UTF8 can use one byte or it could use several). Also, not all data is in character form, e.g. storing a number is more efficient to store it directly in binary instead of just the characters which would represent each digit - so you get integer values which could be 16bits (2 bytes), 32bits (4 bytes), 64bits (8 bytes) or many other combinations. Also fractional numbers as in a double precision floating point using 32bits (4 bytes) to hold a sign, exponent and value to define the number.

Monday 12 April 2021

How to attach or assign request set to responsibility

l_request_set_code VARCHAR2(40) := 'XX_REQ_SET_CODE';
l_appl_short_name VARCHAR2(3) := 'XXCOM';
l_request_group VARCHAR2(40) := 'XXCOM Receivables Billing';
l_req_appl_short_name VARCHAR2(40) := 'AR';


IF NOT fnd_set.set_in_group(request_set => l_request_set_code,
set_application => l_appl_short_name, --REQUEST SET APPLICATION SHORT NAME
request_group => l_request_group,---REQUEST GROUP NAME
group_application => l_req_appl_short_name--REQUEST GROUP APPLICATION SHORT NAME
) then

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Request Set not found, adding..');

fnd_set.add_set_to_group(request_set => l_request_set_code,
set_application => l_appl_short_name, --REQUEST SET APPLICATION SHORT NAME
request_group => l_request_group,---REQUEST GROUP NAME
group_application => l_req_appl_short_name--REQUEST GROUP APPLICATION SHORT NAME
dbms_output.put_line('"XX_REQ_SET_CODE" already added to request group ');
dbms_output.put_line('"XX_REQ_SET_CODE" attached to request group Succesfully ');

dbms_output.put_line('Error in attaching "XX_REQ_SET_CODE" to Request Group ' || sqlerrm);

Monday 20 April 2020

VB Macro Programming

1. Validate data in excel

Tabs: data, reason, prod

Sub ValidateData()
Dim x As Integer

    'set error status and error message columns as Null
    Range("Data!CQ:CQ") = vbNullString
    Range("Data!CR:CR") = vbNullString

    'convert complete sheet to text format so that there are no scientific numerics
    Selection.NumberFormat = "#"
    'Count Number of Rows in Sheet.
    maxrow = 0
    Do Until ActiveCell.Value = vbNullString
        maxrow = ActiveCell.Row
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    'update number of rows in A1
    Cells(1, 1) = maxrow
    maxrow = maxrow + 1
    Range("Data!A1:CQ" & maxrow).Interior.ColorIndex = 15

    'Trx Date Validation Started ############################################
    Do Until ActiveCell.Row = maxrow
        ' Check if the Trx Date is of Length 11 (DD-MON-YYYY)
        If Len(ActiveCell.Value) <> 11 Then
            ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlight with Yellow Color
            'update the flag = E
            Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 95).Value = "E"
            Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 96).Value = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 96).Value & "- Trx Date has to be of Length 11"
            ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 15 'Retain Grey Color
        End If
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    'Trx Date Validation Completed '#############################################

    '##########GL Date Validation Started ############################################
    Do Until ActiveCell.Row = maxrow
        ' Check if the GL Date is of Length 11
        If Len(ActiveCell.Value) <> 11 Then
            ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlight with Yellow Color
            'update the flag = E
            Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 95).Value = "E"
            Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 96).Value = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 96).Value & "- GL Date has to be of Length 11"
            ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 15 'Retain Grey Color
        End If
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    '#######GL Date Validation Completed '#############################################

 '##########Amount Validation Started ############################################
    Do Until ActiveCell.Row = maxrow
    If IsNumeric(ActiveCell.Value) = True Then
                Dim av_pos As Integer
                av_pos = InStr(InStr(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 8).Value, "_") + 3 _
                       , Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 8).Value _
                       , "_")
                Dim av_trxType As String
                'extract CN, DN, GINV from trx type
                av_trxType = Mid(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 8).Value, av_pos + 2, Len(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 8).Value) - av_pos + 1)
        'MsgBox ("amount validation " & av_trxType)
        If av_trxType = "CN" And ActiveCell.Value > 0 Then
            ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlight with Yellow Color
            'update the flag = E
            Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 95).Value = "E"
            Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 96).Value = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 96).Value & "- for CN Amount should be < 0"
            ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 15 'Retain Grey Color
        End If
        If (av_trxType = "DN" Or av_trxType = "INV") And ActiveCell.Value < 0 Then
            ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlight with Yellow Color
            'update the flag = E
            Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 95).Value = "E"
            Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 96).Value = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 96).Value & "- for DN/inv Amount should be > 0"
            ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 15 'Retain Grey Color
        End If
    End If
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
  '#######Amount Validation Completed '#############################################

    '##########UNIT PRICE Validation Started ############################################
    Do Until ActiveCell.Row = maxrow
    If IsNumeric(ActiveCell.Value) = True Then
                Dim vup_pos As Integer
                vup_pos = InStr(InStr(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 8).Value, "_") + 3 _
                       , Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 8).Value _
                       , "_")
                Dim vup_trxType As String
                'extract CN, DN, GINV from trx type
                vup_trxType = Mid(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 8).Value, vup_pos + 2, Len(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 8).Value) - vup_pos + 1)
        'MsgBox ("unit price validation " & vup_trxType)
        If vup_trxType = "CN" And ActiveCell.Value > 0 Then
            ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlight with Yellow Color
            'update the flag = E
            Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 95).Value = "E"
            Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 96).Value = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 96).Value & "- for CN Unit Price should be < 0"
            ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 15 'Retain Grey Color
        End If
        If (vup_trxType = "DN" Or vup_trxType = "INV") And ActiveCell.Value < 0 Then
            ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlight with Yellow Color
            'update the flag = E
            Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 95).Value = "E"
            Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 96).Value = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 96).Value & "- for DN/inv Unit price should be > 0"
            ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 15 'Retain Grey Color
        End If
    End If
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
  '#######UNIT PRICE Validation Completed '#############################################

 '##########Reason ############################################
    Dim xRow, yCol As Integer
    Do Until ActiveCell.Row = maxrow
    'xRow = ActiveCell.Row
    'yCol = ActiveCell.Column
    If Len(ActiveCell.Value) <> 0 Then
    ' Check if the Reason Code exists in list
        Dim vfound, vTrxTypefound As String
        vfound = vbNullString
        vTrxTypefound = vbNullString
        For Each c In Range("ReasonList!A1:A200")
                If c.Value = vbNullString Then
                    Exit For
                End If
            If c.Value = ActiveCell.Value Then
            vfound = vbNullString
            vTrxTypefound = vbNullString
              vfound = "Y"
              Dim trxTypeRef As String
              trxTypeRef = Range("ReasonList!B" & c.Row)
                'check if reason code is valid with doc type.
                Dim pos As Integer
                pos = InStr(InStr(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 8).Value, "_") + 3 _
                       , Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 8).Value _
                       , "_")
                Dim trxType As String
                'extract CN, DN, GINV from trx type
                trxType = Mid(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 8).Value, pos + 2, Len(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 8).Value) - pos + 1)
               'MsgBox ("trxtype " & trxType)
               'MsgBox ("trxTypeRef " & trxTypeRef)
               If trxType = "INV" Then
                   trxType = "DN"
               End If
               If trxType = trxTypeRef Then
                   vTrxTypefound = "Y"
                   'MsgBox ("matched trx types")
                   'MsgBox ("no match trx types")
                   vTrxTypefound = "N"
               End If
              Exit For
            End If
        Next c
        If vfound = vbNullString Then
            ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlight with Yellow Color
            'update the flag = E
            Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 95).Value = "E"
            Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 96).Value = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 96).Value & "- Reason Code Not Found"
            ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 15 'Retain Grey Color
        End If
        If vTrxTypefound = "N" Then
            ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlight with Yellow Color
            Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 95).Value = "E"
            Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 96).Value = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 96).Value & "- Reason Code for Trx Type Not Found"
        End If
    End If
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    '#######Reason Code Validation Completed '#############################################

 '##########ProductLine Code Validation Started ############################################
    Do Until ActiveCell.Row = maxrow
        If Len(ActiveCell.Value) <> 0 Then
        ' Check if the prodline Code exists in list
            Dim vProdLinefound As String
            vProdLinefound = vbNullString
            For Each c In Range("ProdList!A1:A1000")
                If c.Value = vbNullString Then
                    Exit For
                End If
                If c.Value = ActiveCell.Value Then
                  vProdLinefound = "Y"
                  Exit For
                End If
            Next c
            If vProdLinefound = vbNullString Then
                ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Highlight with Yellow Color
                'update the flag = E
                Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 95).Value = "E"
                Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 96).Value = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 96).Value & "- ProductLine Not Found"
                ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 15 'Retain Grey Color
            End If
        End If
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    '#######ProductLine Code Validation Completed '#############################################

End Sub