Friday 17 May 2013

WF: Notification Reassign Mode

WF: Notification Reassign Mode

The WF: Notification Reassign Mode profile option determines the forwarding functionality that is available to employees. If you set the WF: Notification Reassign Mode profile option to Reassign, employees see the Reassign button on the notification. Clicking Reassign lets employees choose between transferring or delegating that notification. 

If you set the WF: Notification Reassign Mode profile option to Delegate, employees will see the Delegate button. When employees click Delegate and enter an employee name, the notification is delegated to the employee whose name is entered.

When a notification is delegated to employees the notification is forwarded to the delegated employee, but the original recipient of the notification remains the owner. 

If you set this option to Transfer, employees will see the Transfer button. When employees click Transfer and enter an employee name the notification is transferred to the whose name is entered. 

When a notification is transferred, the notification is forwarded and the new recipient becomes the owner of the notification.

Note: Assign the WF: Notification Reassign Mode profile option to the workflow responsibility.