Tuesday, 27 December 2016

making standard or custom webadi integrator updatable

Run below script:

update bne_integrators_b
set source='C'
where integrator_code = <>

Dynamic Date in Footer in XML Publisher using XDO Function

Use below code to achieve it.

©<?xdoxslt:sysdate('yyyy')?> Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

Adding Hyperlink to XML Publisher RTF

Using Word's Hyperlink feature will not work, as it appends the server or local path. Instead use a form field with the URL referenced . Ex:
<?variable@incontext:link;TRACKING_URL?><fo:basic-link external-destination="url({$link})"><?WAYBILL?></fo:basic-link>

Shows value of waybill flyover as TRACKING_URL.




Refer: http://winrichman.blogspot.com/2010/03/hyperlink.html


If the XML data includes an element that contains a hyperlink , then you can use that element to create dynamic hyperlinks at runtime. 
a. insert hyperlink from word menu 
b. In the Type the file or Web page name field of the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, enter the following syntax:
where ELEMENT_NAME_WHICH_HAS_URL_LINK is the xml data element name


create a form field, you can add it

<fo:basic-link external-destination="http://www.google..com">
<fo:inline text-decoration="underline">google Link</fo:inline>


<fo:basic-link external-destination="{ELEMENT_NAME}">
<fo:inline text-decoration="underline">google Link</fo:inline>


<xsl:attribute name="external-destination"><xsl:value-of select="ELEMENT_URL"/>
<xsl:value-of select="LINK_NAME"/>