I had to invest lot of time to make it work!
Step:1 Create a directory in any drive, keep is short without space.
Here I will create two file: Main.rtf, and ST.rtf (subtemplate)
write in main template:
<?call: header?>
write in subtemplate ST.rtf
<?template: header?>
My Subtemplate Demo Text
<?end template?>
Now Most Important setting:
It just worked for me in Template Builder for Word, with below setting: [did not work with preview in rtf template, we may need to create a cfg file for it]
(setting> key> xdk-secure-io-mode), and set its value to false
or for an XSL subtemplate file:
This also worked:
Errors: [when xdk-secure-io-mode is set to true]
[010919_130538494][][ERROR] Disallowed access URL 'file:F:///MyTemplates/ST.rtf?sid=1&eaf=3&rtf-checkbox-glyph='. [010919_130538502][oracle.xdo.common.xml.XSLTWrapper][ERROR] XSL error: <Line 3, Column 103>: XML-22002: (Fatal Error) Error while processing include XSL file (rtf2xsl://file_F:///MyTemplates\ST.rtf?sid=1&eaf=3&rtf-checkbox-glyph=). <Line 227, Column 18>: XML-22000: (Error) Error while parsing XSL file (null). @Line 3 ==> <xsl:import href="rtf2xsl://file_F:///MyTemplates\ST.rtf?sid=1&eaf=3&rtf-checkbox-glyph="/> [010919_130538505][oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor][EXCEPTION] oracle.xdo.XDOException: java.util.EmptyStackException
[010919_130538804][oracle.xdo.template.fo.xml2xsd.DocumentParser][PROCEDURE] Time parsing XML to XSD for optimization: 1 msecs [010919_130538805][][ERROR] Disallowed access URL 'file:/F:/MyTemplates/F:///MyTemplates/ST.rtf?sid=1&eaf=3&rtf-checkbox-glyph='. [010919_130538806][oracle.xdo.common.xml.ManualImport][ERROR] Failed to import sub-template 'rtf2xsl://file_F:///MyTemplates\ST.rtf?sid=1&eaf=3&rtf-checkbox-glyph=' caused by Disallowed access URL 'file:/F:/MyTemplates/F:///MyTemplates/ST.rtf?sid=1&eaf=3&rtf-checkbox-glyph='. [010919_130538806][oracle.xdo.template.fo.util.FOPMemRequirement][STATEMENT] Subtemplate import count=-1
It totally works, thanks a bunch for sharing!